The package `ticker' implements a timer. Timer can be activated or can be stopped. The timer accumulates execution time only when it is in active state. The interface part of the package is file `ticker.h'. The implementation part is file `ticker.c'. The interface contains the following external definitions and macros:
describes a timer. Knowledge of structure (implementation) of this type is not needed for using timer.
`ticker_t create_ticker (void)'
returns new timer. The state of the timer is active. This
function call must to be the first for given timer.
`void ticker_off (ticker_t *ticker)'
stops the timer given as the first parameter.
`void ticker_on (ticker_t *ticker)'
activates the timer given as the first parameter.
`double active_time (ticker_t ticker)'
returns time in seconds as double float value in which
given timer was active.
`const char *active_time_string (void)'
returns string representation of time in seconds in which
the timer given as the function parameter was active.
Remember that this function must be the single in a C++
expression because the string is stored in a static variable
of the function.